Monday, September 28, 2015

My Thrive Experience...

I'm Cristy DeBaby-Blanding.  I am a stay-at-home mom and wife.  I have two crazy, fun, amazing children that I am desperate to spend as much time with as I possibly can.  They are 5 and 2, but I can see them growing up far too quickly right before my eyes.  I love being a mom & have so much fun with my kids.  And I just want time to stop sometimes.  My husband is good man who works hard, and has to travel a lot for his job.  He works very hard to support and provide for us.  I have worked in direct sales for a few years to make extra money to help with bills and be able to pay for fun stuff for the kids.  I was looking for a new opportunity recently when I found Le-Vel.  I had actually purchased a 3 day sample months ago when someone suggested that it may help with headaches, but I forgot about it & never tried it.  About 2 months ago, friends started sharing stories about how Thrive has helped them feel better, gave them more energy, etc & I did some research.  This company was exploding and had an amazing product line.  They used the highest quality raw ingredients to make the supplements in the product line, all non-gmo, and it's a mix of  vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, anti-oxidants, enzymes, pro-biotics & amino acids designed to fills in your nutritional gaps.  I spent the next hour reading all of the stories on the Le-Vel Facebook fan page, and I was KNEW that I had just found something special.  I am a fitness lover and try to be as healthy as I can be, so I felt that it was something right up my ally AND it was something I could do from my phone just sharing on social media.  The same day, I called my sponsor, Mauria, and asked her a million questions.  About 30 minutes after I got off the phone with her, I enrolled for my free promoter account & decided to order a promoter upgrade pack to get my business started.  The next day, I dug out my sample pack from behind the 20+ bottles of vitamins and supplements I had in my kitchen cabinet (see- that's what health conscious people do- take a million supplements to make them healthy, lol). I took the capsules, drank the lifestyle mix with a small breakfast and about 20 minutes later felt AMAZING!!  I totally did not expect that.  I had SO much energy, but in a good way, not in a jittery way.  I went about my normal routine- got the kids up, made breakfast, we were out the door, went to the gym & had an amazing workout (I felt like I could go forever), came home made lunch, picked up the house, showered, did laundry- and then I looked at the clock.  It felt like it had to be almost 5:00 BUT IT WAS NOT EVEN 1:00 PM!!!!  I took the kids to the pool, we came home, made dinner, spent time together as a family, got the kids this is the time of the day, around 7:30 when I just run out of steam....I am officially OFF DUTY.  I just can't do it anymore, and I am ready to put the kids to bed and sit down with a glass of wine.  And I get CRANKY.  But not that day.  The kids wanted to go for a walk, so we did.  Then we read stories for a bit, and snuggled in bed watching a movie.  I fell asleep, didn't toss and turn from back or knee aches, slept the whole night through...something I haven't done in years, and woke up READY TO DO IT ALL AGAIN!!  And I continue to notice little things, as I have been Thriving longer....I am now able to go jogging without my knees aching for days or even weeks after (haven't been able to do that in years). I can work out harder & longer with quicker recovery time. My overall mood is better & I have tons more patience with my kids. My sleep cycle has returned to normal- I go to bed around 10:00 PM, sleep great, and wake up ready to go around 7:00 AM- no need for an alarm! I have even lost 4 lbs!!!  I wasn't expecting that (Thrive isn't a "weight loss product"), but I'll take it!  (And I'll explain in another post soon why some people do lose weight when they start Thriving.)  As far as my business goes, I get my product FREE, and I earned over $600 in bonuses in my first two weeks as a promoter!! And am now on my way to earning a CAR!!!  Le-Vel pays for a Lexus, BMW, Mercedes or Cadillac!!!  I am SO excited about earning THAT bonus in the next few months.  And THEN a all expense paid luxury vacation for two!!  HMMM...who will I take with me? ;)  I know this was long, but hey, this is my first official blog post, so hopefully I'll learn how to make these shorter!!  Thanks for reading it & please contact me with questions, to get a sample or to order:) Cristy

***These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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